Jared Moyers

Environmental Educator

Jared was born and raised in Albuquerque and is currently an Environmental Science and Geo-Informational Science student at UNM. Outside of work and school, he spends most of his time climbing, cooking, and riding his bike. He went to college in Texas at Austin College for one year and played soccer there but soon decided he needed a break from school. During his year off he worked for American Conservation Experience, a conservation corps based in St. George, Utah. During his time there he traveled all over the Western United States doing trail building, invasive species removal, and other jobs that benefitted nature. He first joined the Talking Talons Family during the Summer of 2023 as the Crew Leader for their Youth Conservation Corps crew. Since then Jared has served as an Environmental Educator for the Coyote Clubs, and is leading the Junior Youth Conservation Corps program.